Tips for a successful cake smash photo shoot

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Baby’s first birthday is rapidly approaching and you want to find a photographer to schedule a cake smash session. You’ve spent countless hours scouring Pinterest to find *the* perfect theme, you have the cake in mind, you think you know what backdrops, props, and decorations you want to use. How do you make sure baby will dig in and have a good time when it’s time for their session?

These tips will help you get the most out of your cake smash session:

1.) Know your kiddo. If your little one is a social chatterbox who never meets a stranger and is happy to explore their world (even in unfamiliar territory), chances are that during a photography session they’ll do just fine. However, if your little one prefers to be glued to your side, burying their face in your shirt to hide from the big scary world, that’s ok- but keep in mind that a photography session means taking them to a strange place, sitting them near bright lights that flash and a stranger doing all sorts of crazy things to get them to smile. It can be overwhelming. If you have a shy youngster, let your photographer know and plan plenty of extra time for them to play and get comfortable before the session. Taking the time to put your baby at ease in a strange place is always worth the extra few minutes. A favorite toy, or even a familiar song played on a smartphone can help too.

2.) Let them eat cake. No, seriously. Have a trial run with a cupcake the night before your session. Put baby somewhere other than the high chair (somewhere not normally associated with eating). A bathtub is a great place for them to practice digging in with their hands, getting messy, and it makes for easy cleanup. Don’t make a big deal out of messy hands- that’s part of the fun.

3.) Plan ahead for your session. Because baby is often very mobile by their first birthday, mom and dad should be ready to help with baby wrangling if they decide they’d like to crawl/walk/run away. Parents should wear clothing that they don’t mind getting cake or frosting on, it can be inevitable. Plan to have some of baby’s favorite snacks on hand too- some babies really dislike cake or frosting, so hiding cheerios or yogurt bites in the back of the cake can make for a great photo opportunity and it looks like they’re digging into the cake. Some babies even feel more comfortable using a spoon to get started. It’s important that parents keep their expectations reasonable- this is all new for baby and allowing them to go at their pace helps make session go well.

4.) Know what to expect. Talk to your photographer before the session and find out what they typically include for cake smash sessions. I usually include 2-3 setups of 12 month pictures (including one simple updated family picture if desired, so parents can bring a change of clothes for that if they want) before the cake, then I bring out a baby-sized clawfoot tub for cleanup. Those images are always fun! Knowing what to expect helps you prepare for a successful and stress-free session.