Cake Smash Photography

Let's talk about first birthday cake smash sessions....

Baby’s first birthday is a huge milestone. Many families schedule birthday session to take 12 month portraits, then to document baby’s reactions when presented with a cake of their very own. Some babies love their cake. Some babies are unsure. Some babies hate their cake. Heck, some even take their time, cry, taste it, cry more, use the frosting as finger paint, eat some cake, and then laugh. They don’t know what to do with it and the results can be hilarious! Take a look at some of these first birthday cake smash photography sessions and see what you think. (No babies were harmed (or left to cry) during their session.) 

Happy birthday! 

He put the "smash" in "cake smash".

baby sitting on birthday cake

Some babies start eating their cake timidly...

baby girl eating first birthday cake

Then they decide its a lot of fun. I think it's safe to say she loved her cake.

baby loves first birthday cake smash

It's normal for a baby to be a little unsure at first...

baby unsure about birthday cake smash

Even after a few bites, he's still a little undecided about it.

baby cake smash blue stars

Babies can be overjoyed at getting such a sweet treat.

happy baby first birthday cake smash daisy

Doesn't everyone smash cake with their feet?

baby smashing cake with foot

Who wants to actually eat the cake when you can play "pat-a-cake" instead?

baby smash birthday cake photography

Puzzled, he's going in for further investigation.

baby trying birthday cake smash jungle theme

I don't think he likes it.

crying baby birthday cake smash wild one

This little all-star was all smiles with his first cake.

baseball theme first birthday cake smash

She was perplexed at first...

pink clouds girly first birthday cake smash photography

Not a fan...

baby girl hates cake smash fail

She decided she was done.

baby crawling away from cake

Once in a while a baby will completely face plant into their birthday cake.

baby face plant into birthday cake whale ocean theme

Only to regret that decision!

whale ocean theme cake smash baby crying fail

She was content with frosting on her fingers.

baby testing cake with frosting on fingers

She delicately painted it onto her leg.

baby first birthday boho cake smash simple

Got more frosting on her hands...

baby frosting fingers cake birthday simple photographer

and decided that wasn't ok!

baby hates their cake smash

The thought and planning that goes into these sessions always amazes me.

one in a melon cake smash

Even with mom trying to help...

mom helping baby eat cake melon birthday

She wanted nothing to do with it!

baby crawling away from cake melon theme

This classic "Winnie the Pooh" setup was so much fun- and he loved his cake too!

classic pooh cake smash first birthday

Some babies can't get enough of their birthday cake.

simple baseball first birthday cake smash

This cake didn't stand a chance.

simple baseball cake smash baby love cake

She was curious and started playing with it...

happy first bee day cake smash

But some babies hate the texture of the sticky frosting.

happy first bee day cake smash baby crying

It can take a minute or two of contemplation.

wild things first birthday cake smash

Really trying to decide if he likes this or not...

where the wild things are first birthday

Once he made up his mind, this little wild thing liked smashing cake.

where the wild things are cake smash

Some babies get fairly messy during their cake smash.

princess girly first birthday cake smash

But you know it's good if they lick the frosting off their lips.

princess girly first birthday theme

He hates it...

baby hates his birthday cake blue green photography

No, wait! He likes it!

blue and green theme first birthday cake smash baby photographer

No, he hates it. Lol.

baby hates his cake smash fail

One thing is certain- babies are unpredictable with their birthday cakes!

little boy first birthday simple cake smash session

Here are some tips to try before your cake smash session. Try feeding baby somewhere other than a high chair or kitchen table. Put them on the kitchen floor, or even in the empty bathtub and let them practice with a cupcake. Until now, they probably haven’t had many sweets. They may not like the sticky frosting. They may love it and get it everywhere! Either way, a practice run or two will help them know what to do during your session. Also, if the cake is chilled, please let it sit out for several hours prior to your session time. Cold frosting is hard, and that’s difficult for baby to dig into. It also doesn’t make as much of a mess when they’re eating it. Let be honest here- a frosting covered baby is half the fun. Don’t worry about the mess either- Here at Shot From the Heart Photography, every first birthday cake smash ends with a real bath in a baby-sized clawfoot tub, complete with rubber duckies as part of your session. Baby may not love smashing the cake, but what baby doesn’t love splashing in the tub? Click HERE to plan your custom birthday session. I look forward to creating memories for you and your family. 

Bubble bath with rubber ducky as part of a photo session after a first birthday cake smash.