Confession time: I’m a bad mom and a bad photographer

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I have been keeping a dark secret and it’s starting to weigh on me. I know how to correct it, and I’m on the path to fixing it, but I wanted to share something with you.

I know you see me posting all these images and promoting the concept of having current images displayed around your home that you love and enjoy. Babies grow up. They grow up way too quickly and they grow and change. I want you to have pictures you love on your walls, and to update those as the kids grow and change. But here’s a little confession- I stink at that!

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I don’t love my kids and it’s not that I haven’t had updated family photos taken (I have, they were AWESOME)… but I just haven’t “gotten around to” ordering updated prints. (Insert massive cringe face here). I order prints for clients. I order sample prints and albums, canvas, framed images, and metal prints. Sometimes I’ll add a personal image in on an order and update something here at my home.

As bad as I feel confessing that, I want to share something else. Every time I look at my (now outdated) images, I remember THAT DAY that the specific picture was taken. No, not the date, the day. I remember the day I finally took my girls to Disney world after saving up my money for months. I remember standing in line for ride after ride. I remember it being hot. But when I look at this pictures, suddenly I remember so much more. I can remember the sounds of my daughters uncontrollable shrieks of laughter as teacups spun in circles. I remember the background music playing on the speakers. The sounds of the other patrons patiently waiting their turn. No, its not the “perfect” picture, but that WAS the perfect day with my kids and it’s ok if this one is 5 years old and I’m in no hurry to replace it.

Then there’s this one. Its also about 5-6 years old. The “baby” is now in middle school and the oldest has left for college. Yes, it’s time to order an updated one. But I’m ok with letting you all know that I have had this giant canvas up on my walls for half a decade, and many times it catches my eye and makes me think, just for a split second, that my girls are growing up. Its usually when we are all on our way out the door to band practice or shopping at Target, or even headed to Chik-fil-a (that’s totally a food group, right?) 
This picture was taken by my friend Linda and I love it! 
Speaking of the oldest, she’s now 19, but when she turned 15 I surprised her with a birthday trip deep sea fishing (she had never flown before and this birthday included a 4am wake up and an early morning flight from Atlanta to Tampa). I brought my camera and I’m so glad I did, because the sunset was magical. Seeing this one up on my walls reminds me of the smell of the sea salt in the air, and the surprised giddiness on her face as we headed out to sea for her favorite pastime ever. It truly was an incredible trip, and the pictures we have from it help keep those memories vivid. 
Here’s Molly, my middle daughter. This one is now old and outdated, but I vividly remember the day this was taken, and I love the genuine smile (something that can be rare with a now 17 year old daughter who enjoys her personal space). 
This image sits on my dresser. This is my youngest right after she learned to walk. She was holding my fingers as we wandered through an apple orchard and picked our own fall fruit. She’s now 11. I miss the toddler years, but look how tiny those fingers were! This one makes my mommy heart skip a beat. 
I promise I will come back and update once my new images arrive. I won’t promise that they will replace the memories I hold so dear, but I’ll find room on the walls somewhere for updated artwork to enjoy every day. 
What’s on your walls?