Questions you should ask your newborn photographer

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You’re expecting and you can hardly wait to put eyes on YOUR baby! It’s so incredibly exciting. You could down the days, and as your belly grows you may begin to consider hiring a professional newborn photographer to help document all those precious little details or your newborn.

You begin scouring the internet. You ask friends. You get sucked into Pinterest and have more ideas than you know what to do with. But now what?

Do you reach out to all the newborn photographers in your area and just ask for prices?

Allow me to share a few helpful things to ask your potential newborn photographer:

1.) Tell me about your training.

A professional photographer usually seeks out additional training, no matter how advanced their skills. From safely handling and posing, to shooting angles, to lighting and camera settings, there is always more to learn. I’ve taken multiple workshops and attended countless training sessions from experts in the field and I’m more than happy to share with parents who inquire.

2.) Are you insured? Are you registered with the state/county? 

It can be hard to tell if you are looking at the work of a professional or a really good hobbyist. The difference is that a professional will carry full liability insurance and will be registered with their local and state business offices. (You can go to the secretary of state office and look up businesses by name. For a long time I fell into the “really good hobbyist” catergory but I eventually took the steps to become licensed and registered.) You want to ensure you are trusting your new baby to someone who is insured!

3.) Have you been trained in infant CPR and first aid? Are you immunized? 

I realize immunizations may be a hot topic for new parents, but you don’t want to expose your fragile new baby to anyone who may unknowingly be carrying a preventable illness. An adult with a healthy, mature immune system may get very mild symptoms to an illness that could be life threatening for a brand new baby. Not only am I fully immunized and up to date on my boosters, but I’m an experienced firefighter and paramedic. Not only am I trained in basic CPR and first aid, but help teach it to others as well! 
(Please take a minute to familiarize yourself with infant CPR: )
4.) How do you create specific poses? 

While each photographer may be different, certain poses should always be performed as a “composite” image. That means that an image is accomplished by taking several different images with an adults hands on the baby. The final image appears that baby is supporting themselves, but newborn photographers should never sacrifice safety in the name of time or convenience. 
5.) What type setting do you do your newborn session in? 

Newborns have a hard time regulating their body temperature. They get chilled very easily. They are accustomed to being curled up tightly, in a 98 degree environment, with lots of white noise and muffled conversations. For this reason, your newborn will be very comfortable in a studio that’s very warm, with a lot of white noise, and wrapped up snugly. 
Your newborn session should be relaxed and comfortable. Do your research, ask questions, and only trust your baby with a trained professional! 
What to ask a newborn photographer. 5 things to ask newborn baby photographer. photography. photographer. Atlanta. canton ga. 
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If you’re a parent, you know that there are some moment just wish you could freeze. Certain silly facial expressions you know they’ll outgrow. Maybe they’re just at an age that you see they’re growing out of. Kids tend to do that- they grow up right before your eyes. 
Professional portraits allow you to capture all those important little things that speak to your heart. What will you have to look back on when they are grown? 
Shot From the Heart Photography is one of the best child photographers Metro Atlanta has to offer. Kids are encouraged to run, laugh, jump, explore, get silly, and most of all- they’re asked to just be kids! Nobody is ever told to say “cheese” . Instead, they may be asked to play “red light, green light”, sword fight with sticks, or catch crawfish in the creek. Because they’re only kids once. 
If you’d like to schedule a session for your growing kiddo, email to get started.
Limited dates remain. 

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Counting down

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When you’re pregnant, there’s so much you think about. As the months tick by, the excitement and anticipation builds. Finally you are just counting down the days until it’s baby time. I hope this family gets to meet their new little guy very soon. I know mama is more than ready!

Here’s a glimpse into what a typical maternity session looks like. If you’re expecting, don’t wait to schedule your session- we do fill up quickly and booking early is highly recommended.

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Little Mister | Atlanta Child Photographer

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How do you even come up with words to caption this guy? He’s so sweet, silly, and fully of personality that I just can’t do it justice. I love photographing children because you get what they choose to give you (and I’ll be honest, sometimes I do ask for silly faces). If you know a little lad (or lady) who needs to be in front of my camera, send them my way! Because babies grow up.

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Pardon me, your character is showing

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Do you love all things rustic? Are you addicted to watching Chip and Joanna on “Fixer Upper”? Do you dream of all things farmhouse?

Yeah. Me too. 
I also fell in love with a small husband and wife company based out of Michigan called “farmhouse frames“. They build custom picture frames, keepsake boxes, and more out of LEGIT old barn wood that they collect from all over the country. Their work is absolutely stunning. Their pieces are crafted by hand, they take time to make, and they smell like heaven. 
If you need this in your home, I’m your hookup. (Farmhouse frames only sells to professional photographers, and even if you are one, there’s a wait list to become a customer. It’s like a year or more. Did I mention this is a small husband and wife company and they are doing this by HAND?)
I love seeing the character show through in each and every piece they make. Take a look at what goes into the creation of each and every order. (Photo credit Shannon Kraiger of Farmhouse Frames).

Shown here are “Mason” frames from a recent client order. You just can’t get the unique, handcrafted quality like this from a store. You can view their other designs HERE. Go ahead, try not to fall in love with them all! (Let me know which ones you want and we can get them ordered.)

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Babies Grow Up

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Elias is growing up quickly and will be a big brother before too much longer. I wanted to take a look back and share some of my favorite images from his sessions. I love seeing how much character this little guy has shown from such a young age. He is such a hoot!

A grand adventure was just beginning.
He slept like a champ. 
He was so little…. and squishy!
Curled up and sleeping soundly.
He was so tiny!  
Cutest rookie ever!
Mom and dad were so in love with their new little guy!
Those tiny little fingers melt my heart. What’s not to love? 

 As babies do, Elias woke up one day older each and every morning. Soon he was 6 months old. Halfway to his first birthday. Growing like a week and learning to sit up, make silly faces, laugh, stick out his tongue, and of course, chomp on his toes.

Toes are delicious. 
Making new friends wherever he goes. 

Happy little cub.
Sometimes he’s serious. 
And sometimes he’s silly!
Such a little ham. 
Wild little thing. 

 Before his parents knew it, he was turning 1. A whole year of growing and changing and learning and loving. Mamas, guard your hearts. Babies grow up.

The rookie is getting big and he’s ready to help!
“Where do you need this hose, chief?”
Farmer Elias is ready to help! 
This wild one loves birthday cake. 
This year has been such a grand adventure.
And of course, after a cake smash comes a bath!
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A few minutes of “normal”

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Sometimes family sessions are just a little more special. I knew going into this session that these images were going to be cherished. Mom shared with me that dad is in the military and is nearing the end of his last few days at home with his family before he deploys to Afghanistan. They were able to spend Thanksgiving together, but he won’t be here for Christmas. I wanted to capture as much laughter and joy as I could, and wanted to let the kids just be kids- including throwing leaves as high into the air as we could and having a “sword fight” with sticks. These are the moments the best memories are made from.

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Studio makeover!

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The last 4 days have been so productive it’s incredible. If you’ve ever visited the studio you’re familiar with its layout. I found myself frustrated with the clutter and lack of storage, so I took action.

Here are some “before” photos:

Client closet- but it’s a mess and just looks disorganized. 

Functional? Yes. But also crowded and cluttered. I hate little piles of stuff here and there. It doesn’t have a nice polished look to it. 
I decided to do something about it. 

Allow me to present the “after”. I added some organization and shelving, a fresh coat of paint, and got rid of the big bulky desk.

What do you think? It just looks so much better now doesn’t it?

This is what I want my photography studio to be- comfortable, clean, and inviting for newborns and parents, babies and children.

New artwork samples are on their way for the walls!

What’s on your walls? I can help you select the best of your favorite images and print them large to enjoy every day. ❤️

Beautiful photography studio! I love organization. It makes my heart so happy.

Coffee and water for clients. Samples of albums, ornaments, and custom frames from Farmhouse Frames.
Check out that they have to offer! 

Another Farmhouse Frames original frame and a museum quality framed print. What style suits your space? 

This is a sample of a folio box- you can order 20 of your favorite images and change out your frames or display them as a standalone display on a mini easel. 

Client closet- I offer a selection of newborn outfits, baby and child wardrobe from names like Dollcake and Trish Scully Child, as well as both standard and boutique maternity gowns for expectant mamas. 

Sample albums and products, props, and more. 

Parenting is hard. You’re not yourself when you’re hungry. We get it.
Snacks are offered to prevent anyone from getting hangry. 

This studio space is just so open and bright now! 

Props and backdrops and fabrics, oh my.
Prop storage is important for any photography studio. 

Handmade photo albums. These are something you need to see in person to appreciate. 

The walls look bare, but won’t be for long! What’s on your walls? Do they tell your story? 

Farmhouse frames hinged display (also available in 3 image options), metal ornaments, and more keepsakes. 

I love my studio space. Organization galore. 

This makes it so much more cohesive. 

We know it’s hard to prepare for baby’s needs. We even have a diaper station in case you run out. 

Personalization is just one of the small details that help clients feel welcomed. 

More prop storage. 

Thanks for stopping by for a virtual visit. To schedule a consultation and plan the details of your session, please email

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