11 Vital Tips for Surviving Summer Pregnancy

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My blog is normally a preview of my images along with a little story (if that). I want to start trying to do something a little different. Yes, I’ll still be sharing images, but I want to share parenting tips, advice, helpful ideas, basic photography tutorials, and more. I want to help parents take better pictures of their babies and kids. I want a place where people can offer their helpful advice as well! I’m kicking this off with 11 vital tips for surviving summer while pregnant.

I’ve had three kids. My first was born in late August, my second in early September. In the south- where pools don’t close until halloween and chocolate melts before kids can finish trick-or-treating. It’s hot. It’s humid. It’s miserable for everyone. Now add a tiny human heater growing inside you, limited lung and bladder space, and swollen ankles and you need all the help you can get!

(My third baby was born in February. She wasn’t planned, but I do think we got really lucky with the timing of that one! I loved being pregnant in winter- it was glorious!)

Without further ado- here we go.

1.) Get wet. The pool is your friend. When feet and ankles swell and joints ache, swimming can be a way to relieve pain of pregnancy, stay in shape, and stay cool! They make maternity bathing suits (Pink Blush maternity has some super cute maternity swimsuits), but you can also wear a traditional bikini if you are ready to rock it. 
pregnant woman in bikini by pool

2.) Hydrate. Drink water. Then drink more water. Then drink some more. You don’t realize how much fluid you lose with respiration and perspiration. Being just a little dehydrated can lead to more contractions, nausea, tiredness, and generally feeling “yucky”. I know that means having to go to the bathroom even more, but your body (and your baby) will thank you. 
pregnancy summer tips hydrate water
3.) Dress for the weather. Maternity pants have come a long way since I had my babies, but many still have the big elastic panel that goes over the belly. Adding a long shirt over that and you’re now covered in multiple layers. Ditch the belly panels and opt for soft flowy dresses that allow for air circulation and have room to move. 
pregnancy photography on white dress with white background
4.) Plan your day. Either get out and run errands first thing in the morning or later in the evening. It can be hard to get out and moving when you’re heavily pregnant, but stalling in the morning can lead to sitting in traffic in the heat of the afternoon, and that’s miserable. Especially if you followed tip #2 and now have a full bladder. 
maternity summer tips
5.) Eat small, light meals. Nothing makes you feel gross like a greasy burger in 90 degree weather. Plan on small meals that are light on your stomach and avoid the heartburn. Fresh fruit will help you stay full and hydrated, and adds fiber (which is even more important during pregnancy, when constipation can be bad). 
summer pregnancy tips fresh fruit
6.) Stay indoors. It seems like common sense, but take advantage of the air conditioning when you can. You may be a go-getter who has to do it all yourself (especially when you’re nesting), but when its sweltering outside, it is perfectly ok to pay the neighborhood kid to pull the weeds and trim the shrubs. 
7.) Ice Ice Baby. Eating ice chips will help you stay cool, help you stay hydrated, and let you practice for when you’re in labor. How else will you know if you prefer the chipped ice or the little round ice pellets that some convenience stores have? Add some flavored water or fresh fruit in a blender and make it an icee. 
8.) Sleep it off. Find a cool place (indoors in the air conditioning, or somewhere in the shade, preferably with a cool breeze, and take a nap. A nice siesta never hurt anyone. Growing a new baby is hard work, so don’t let anyone give you a hard time about the heat wiping you out. You have to recharge your batteries and there’s no better time for a nap than during the heat of the day. 
9.) Limit the sodium. Where salt goes, water follows. The more sodium you put into your body, the more water you retain. This leads to swollen ankles, swollen fingers and face, strain on the heart and lungs, overworked kidneys, fatigue, and can cause problems with your blood pressure. Remember that just because you didn’t put salt on it yourself doesn’t mean its not high in sodium! Avoid fast food, canned foods, processed snacks, and select fresh options that you season yourself. Being bloated and swollen makes the heat of summer that much worse. 
pregnancy summer survival tips
10.) Address any skin concerns. Remember your sunscreen- nobody wants a sunburn and having an itchy sunburned belly is no fun. Heat can also lead to heat rashes and other conditions. Be sure to share concerns with your doctor, but don’t ignore any new rashes or outbreaks that happen. Be sure to discuss with your doctor. (There is a condition calls PUPPS that can occur during pregnancy and causes an itchy rash. Any skin conditions that aren’t normal for you need the evaluation of a medical professional). 
maternity and pregnancy advice
11.)  Get creative. You may need to set up fans, take multiple showers, or use cool damp rags on your neck. It’s perfectly ok! The most important thing to remember is to take care of yourself first. If that means resorting to some obscure solutions then who cares, as long as it works! 
If you have tips for surviving the summer heat while pregnant, please share in the comments!